

Select the page that you desire to read from the thumbnails. Below the thumbnails you will find list of articles

  1. Select the desired article to view it alongside the list
  2. Click on Icon to open the article in a separate page. You can share the article on social media from this page.
  3. Click on icon to see the image view of the article
  4. Click on to increase the size of body text of the article

Yes, the desktop version of the site provides three different views of the e-Paper. The thumbview, the listview and fullview. But the mobile version of the site has only the thumbview. The other two views are not suitable for the mobile format.

However on iPad and Tablets you will see all the three views in landscape orientation.

  1. Click on icon on the tool bar
  2. Select the required edition from the list
  1. The printed edition will be available in full.
  2. The individual articles can be seen in pdf/ image/text format and fully searchable.
  3. Newspaper column format has been preserved.
  4. Classified sections are fully searchable and easy to preserve.
  5. Ability to send article by email. (The recipient does not require subscription)
  1. Select the page that you desire to read from the thumbnails. Below the thumbnails, you will find list of articles
  2. Click the desired article to view
  3. Article will open in a new tab on your mobile device
  4. If you wish to see the article in image view, click on menu icon icon
  1. Once the payments is made kindly do not make payment twice
  2. After the payment is made wait for few minutes to login to epaper account to check your subscription.
  3. If for any reason payment is done and it still shows subscription option then kindly send a mail to [email protected]
  4. Mention all the details given below and send to [email protected]